Delivery Information
Delivery Timescales
Orders are shipped via FedEx or DHL Air Express service. All orders are usually dispatched within 24 hours, excluding weekends, and delivery is usually within one week. We offer a fully tracked service for every shipment, so you can track your delivery all the way from point of order to your doorstep.
All products are stocked and shipped from our warehouse in the United Kingdom. Any applicable taxes, customs duties or fees are included in the price.
Delivery Costs
We offer delivery options as out-lined below
Delivery Country | Weight | Cost | Delivery Timescale |
Australia | 0-5kg | $25.00 | 6-7 Days via Air Express |
6-10kg | $32.00 | ||
11-15kg | $47.50 | ||
16-20kg | $59.50 | ||
21-25kg | $77.00 | ||
26-30kg | $90.00 | ||
31-35kg | $102.00 | ||
36kg | Price at checkout |
GaraDry are reducing CO2 transport emissions by up to 30%
We are partnering with DHL to use sustainable aviation fuel, which is made from renewable sources and is the main path to reducing carbon emissions in the air transport industry.
This investment will help reduce the carbon footprint of our DHL Air Freight shipments by up to 30%, helping our customers to make a positive impact on the environment and contribute to a greener future.
For further information about this initiative, please click here.