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Guide for Choosing The Best Threshold Seal
What is a GaraDry® Garage Door Threshold and how does it work?
The Problem
Rainwater that comes underneath your garage door can damage the contents of your garage, as well as proving a nuisance to clean out after every storm or heavy rainfall.
Water can soak through boxes damaging the contents inside as well as creating a damp atmosphere leading to rusting of vehicles, tools and appliances which can be an expensive problem to rectify.
Does your garage not compress with the floor because the floor is not level or your gasket strip on the bottom of the door has become worn? Then we have the solution for you and choosing the correct seal for you garage door is very simple and can be done in a few easy steps outlined in the helpful guide below.
The Solution
All our seals prevent leaves, dust or sand, debris and vermin from entering the garage as well as protect against drafts, wind-blown rainwater, standing water, cold air and snow.
Our flood barrier is also available if you have a large amount of standing water.
The seals are completely watertight up to the height of the seal when fitted with our adhesive and serve as a superior alternative to rubber bottom seals as our products are 100% recyclable making them environmentally friendly, odourless and will not rot, decay or lose their colour with prolonged exposure to water or sunlight.
The seals prevent vermin such as small reptiles like snakes, mice or rats, spiders, or other insects from entering through the gap under your garage door.

The Product Range

How is the threshold seal fitted?
The threshold fits behind the garage door to ensure that a tight seal is formed when the garage door is in the closed position. The seal should not be fitted in front of the door, as this will not prevent water from running down the face of the door and entering in between the seal and the door.
Our garage door thresholds were designed with you in mind. Anyone with basic DIY skills will be able to fit our range of seals. The seals come in a variety of lengths and heights and are made with either aluminum or flexible vinyl material. The flexible vinyl is a rubber-like material, similar in composition to many inferior rubber door seals you can find on the market, with the advantages of being longer lasting, harder wearing and not deteriorating with prolonged contact with water.
The threshold should be notched in place around the frame or door channels. This will depend on the style of door and the installation.
How to choose the correct height of threshold
To find the correct size of threshold for your garage, all you need to do is measure the gap between the bottom of the garage door and the floor in a number of different places then note the largest measurement. As your floor is unlikely to be completely level you should measure the gap in at least three or four places to ensure you determine the largest gap.
Next you should consider the level of protection you need, taking into account the severity of the storms and rainy weather you face. The higher the seal you select, the higher the level of water you will be protected against. So if you live in an area that is prone to flooding or heavy storms then you may want a higher seal to keep out more water.
If you want a larger seal to protect you against more severe storms and standing rainwater, you can fit a taller threshold, and set it back slightly from your door so that the door may still close properly.

How to choose the correct length for your garage
To find the right length of garage door seal for your garage door you will need to measure the width of the opening. If the width of your garage door is 9'0" you would select the 10'3" long Garage Door Threshold Seal for example.
The thresholds can easily be cut to size with a pair of scissors or a hacksaw depending on the threshold material.

Creating a water-tight seal
For maximum protection we recommend to notch the threshold to sit around the frame.
In order to create a watertight seal up to the height of the seal, the threshold should be cut to fit the door frame or channel. This can easily be achieved with a hacksaw, box-cutter or sharp scissors. Position the seal so that is fits snugly behind the door and then mark where the threshold will need to be cut in order to fit the door frame/channel. This will prevent water and debris from entering around the sides of the door and ensure the garage remains clean and dry. The hump of the threshold fits behind the garage door so that no adjustments to the door are required.